"If you do not have the desire to learn, to work hard and to show determination, I am afraid you will be left behind or at best outdated" -H.M The King

21st Century Pedagogy

The face of education has changed dramatically over the past ten years or so. Teachers across the country are working hard to equip children with the skills needed for success in the 21st century world. In addition to instilling in students the flexibility to readily adapt to changing technologies, teachers must foster learning environments that encourage critical thinking, creativity, problem – solving, communication, collaboration, global awareness, and social responsibility.

Thus 21st Century pedagogy shall prepare the teachers to acquire the knowledge and skills of the time to groom the children into a confident, competent and productive national/global citizen.

Requirements:DEO, Principals, Teachers and Other Educationist
Benefits:Equip with 21st Century Pedagogy
Venue:i-ED Training Hall in Thimphu
Start Date:06-07-16
End Date06-10-16
Course Fee:6500
Course Inclusive:Professional fee, Resource fee, working lunch, Tea and Snacks and Certificate
Special Offers:Access to i-ED training information

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