"If you do not have the desire to learn, to work hard and to show determination, I am afraid you will be left behind or at best outdated" -H.M The King

21st Century Employability Skills

21st Century Employability Skills are required as per the demand of the JOB MARKET. Therefore, this module will equip all job seekers with the required skills to make oneself more employable than the other. Your Empowerment Begins Here.

Requirements:Anyone seeking JOB
Benefits:Equip with 21st Century Employability Skills
Venue:i-ED, Training Hall
Start Date:9/13/2015
End Date9/16/2015
Course Fee:5000
Course Inclusive:Professional Fees, Resource fee, Hall fee, Lunch and Tea & Snacks
Special Offers:Discount on other i-ED programs and 50% discount on i-ED Hotel

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