"If you do not have the desire to learn, to work hard and to show determination, I am afraid you will be left behind or at best outdated" -H.M The King

Multi-Media Training For Political Party Secretariat

The main objective of the training is to train the Political Party officials towards development of communication materials which involve use of print and social media as well as to provide hands-on trainings on graphic design. The  module contains use of Graphic Design which shall assist them to contribute to the in-house designing of posters, brochures, and videos products with the knowledge and expertise gained from the training.

Requirements:ICT or Media focal persons
Benefits:Use of “InDesign” and “Photoshop” software for the preparation/creation of following campaign materials:

1. Design Posters, Banners, and brochures
2. Create and navigate through a new document
3. Use rulers, guides and shortcuts
4. Create and delete new pages
5. Text frames, flow text, show/hide threads
6. Apply fill and stroke colors to text
7. Place graphics and wrap text around images
8. Draw shapes, and arrange layered objects
9. Create and apply color swatches
Venue:iED Training Hall
Start Date:04-12-21
End Date4/22/2021
Course Fee:9000
Course Inclusive:Resource fee, professional fee, hall charges, certificates, lunch and refreshment
Special Offers:Access to iED resources, free wifi

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