"If you do not have the desire to learn, to work hard and to show determination, I am afraid you will be left behind or at best outdated" -H.M The King

Dr. Tshering Wangmo

Tshering Wangmo (PhD) is a teacher educator and is currently Assistant Professor at Paro College of Education (PCE). She has vast experiences of teaching children, youths and adults both within and outside Bhutan. Presently, She is Teaching ECCD modules, Research modules, Teaching Skills and Project Methods in Paro College of Education. She taught Teaching of English, Teaching Skills and Teaching Strategies and Multi-grade Teaching in TTC/NIE, Paro. She also taught in ECCD Centre at University of New England, Australia. Taught ‘Professionals in ECCD’ for students in UNE. As of now, she is the only professional who has PhD in ECCD in our Country.
Dr. Tshering Wangmo is a passionate educator, caring mother and a very good human being. She loves reading in her leisure times.