"If you do not have the desire to learn, to work hard and to show determination, I am afraid you will be left behind or at best outdated" -H.M The King

Advance spreadsheet using MS Excel

The module will equip the participants with skills needed for efficient use of MS Excel. It will cover some of the advance concepts of MS Excel which will help you perform calculation and prepare spreadsheet in a more efficient way.

Requirements:Principals, Vice Principals, Teachers, Accountants, Adm Assts, PAs, Front Desk staff, Officials who maintain the accounts.
Benefits:Accounting and Tally Skills
Venue:iED Media Lab, Thimphu
Start Date:7/23/2018
End Date7/26/2018
Course Fee:12000
Course Inclusive:Professional fee, resource fee, Certificate, lunch and two times tea and snacks
Special Offers:Access to iED resources

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