"If you do not have the desire to learn, to work hard and to show determination, I am afraid you will be left behind or at best outdated" -H.M The King

Digitizing Classroom Management

One of the ways to be globally competent in 21st Century is to equip ourselves with ICT skills. Best way to start is from Classroom. Therefore, iED brings you Digitizing Classroom Management skills for our educationists.

Requirements:ALL teachers, Principals, Vice Principals and  ICT teachers
Benefits:Digital classroom management skills.
Venue:iED Media Lab, iED, Thimphu
Start Date:12/21/2019
End Date12/22/2019
Course Fee:9000
Course Inclusive:Professional Fee, Material Fee, Certificate, 2 times tea & snacks and Lunch
Special Offers:Access to iED resources

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