"If you do not have the desire to learn, to work hard and to show determination, I am afraid you will be left behind or at best outdated" -H.M The King

Effective Communication and Art of Negotiation

Target group: Politicians, aspiring politicians, Local Leaders, party workers & co-ordinators

Learn the Cutting-Edge Negotiation Tactics You Need to Succeed – But the Middle Path Way. iED is offering the cutting edge training in Negotiation Skills with Effective Communication to acquire all the negotiation techniques, tools, and frameworks needed to gain a critical competitive edge. The module aims to challenge participants to think critically about how they handle negotiation and more. Without Effective Communication skills, Negotiation sometimes becomes futile and ineffective. Therefore, the skills required for Effective Negotiation is the Effective Communication Skills. It is more so important for aspiring politicians and party workers as they have to use these skills on a daily basis for both messaging and negotiations for which effective communication skills are a must.

Therefore, iED is proud to offer this powerful, incisive and persuasive art that will help people to TRANSFORM the ADVERSARIAL BATTLES into AMICABLE COLLABORATION.

Requirements:Willingness to learn
Benefits:Equip participants with Effective Communication and Negotiation Skills
Start Date:27/6/23
End Date:27/6/23
Course Fee:5200/- per head
Course Fee Inclusive:Resource fee, professional fee & certificate.

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