"If you do not have the desire to learn, to work hard and to show determination, I am afraid you will be left behind or at best outdated" -H.M The King


Art of public speaking is one of the most important skills for influencing and convincing the people of your ideas and ideologies. One must be competent, confident and an inspiring speaker. This module will equip our participants with the skills required for being an Effective Speaker: A movement from Good to Great Speaker.

Requirements:Anyone interested in improving the public speaking.
Benefits:Equip with skills required to become an effective speaker.
Venue:iED Training Hall, Thimphu
Start Date:9/20/2017
End Date9/21/2017
Course Fee:9000
Course Inclusive:Professional Fee, Resource fee, Certificate, Lunch and two times tea and snacks
Special Offers:Access to iED resources and discount on iED associated Hotels

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