"If you do not have the desire to learn, to work hard and to show determination, I am afraid you will be left behind or at best outdated" -H.M The King

Facilitative Leadership

Facilitative Leadership is all about people centered, quality and result driven process of achieving goals. However, this process is often derailed due to dissatisfaction in workplace or due to inability to cope up with the supervisor. Therefore, this module is designed to help participants to get the result through effective rational processes.

Requirements:Be ready to engage and involve.
Benefits:Leadership Skill
Venue:Tshenden Boutique, Thimphu
Start Date:8/17/2019
End Date8/19/2019
Course Fee:12000
Course Inclusive:Professional fee, Resource fee, certificate, tea & snacks and lunch,
Special Offers:International Training in the world class facility, and Access to iED resources.

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