"If you do not have the desire to learn, to work hard and to show determination, I am afraid you will be left behind or at best outdated" -H.M The King

High Performing Office Management (HPOM)

The efficiency of an organization is often reflected by the effectiveness in the office management of the Organization. Therefore, this course is designed for front desk officers, office assistants, Adm assistants, librarians, store assistants, lab assistants, etc. for efficient and systematic management of the office.

Requirements:All people who have to manage office and deal with different kinds of clients.
Benefits:People Skill, Task Skill and Personal Skills
Venue:iED Training Hall
Start Date:6/18/2016
End Date6/21/2016
Course Fee:9000
Course Inclusive:Professional Fee, Certificate, resources, working lunch and tea & snacks
Special Offers:Access to iED software

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