"If you do not have the desire to learn, to work hard and to show determination, I am afraid you will be left behind or at best outdated" -H.M The King


PASTORAL CARE is based on a deep respect for the dignity and uniqueness of the individual person as we are all made in the image of God. The schools should, by providing a strong sense of wellbeing, belonging and security that affirms students in their dignity and worth assisting students to achieve their full potential as human person. Pastoral care is the idea in which schools view their pupils in distinctively different ways. Some schools view their learners predominantly as scholars- progress through academics, while some schools believe in developing social skills. In any case, school™s view of their pupils is reflected through pastoral care in schools. 

Therefore, this module is designed for wardens, matrons, caregivers, ECCD facilitators and others who are responsible for the care of children in schools with the objectives of equipping them with right knowledge, understanding and action.

Requirements:wardens, matrons, caregivers, ECCD facilitators and others who are responsible for the care of children in schools
Benefits:Pastoral Care Knowledge and skills
Venue:iED Training Hall, Thimphu
Start Date:3/13/2018
End Date3/15/2018
Course Fee:8000
Course Inclusive:Training Materials, Professional fee, working lunch, tea & snacks and  certificate
Special Offers:Access to iED materials

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