"If you do not have the desire to learn, to work hard and to show determination, I am afraid you will be left behind or at best outdated" -H.M The King


The eight day research methodology across professions aims at providing knowledge, skills and hands-on practice on quantitative, qualitative, mixed method and action research approaches. It is across professions because the methods and practices are applicable to any practitioner in the fields of education and social science. The training orients the trainees to basic theory such as what and why research, knowledge claim and research paradigm as an anchor to selecting any research approach. Essential theory is introduced to teaching any knowledge and skills. Four research approaches of quantitative, qualitative, mixed and action research are taught in some great detail including their differences, similarities, appropriateness to various issues, topics of study. Various sub-types in each approach are also presented and ample options made available for budding researchers to select/choose from. The training pays particular attention to Action Research as an effective tool to improve one™s practice and action (therefore life) beginning from a small unit as family, society, work place, profession (teaching, management) and a large organization.

Requirements:– Anyone wishing to carry out research work.
– Laptops.
Benefits:Training on research methodology across professions is expected to culminate into each trainee developing a Research Proposal ready to carry out the research. Whether they actually carry out research is determined by
(1) availability of resources,
(2) commitment for time,
(3) getting a research supervisor/guide, among others.
Venue:iED Training Hall, Thimphu
Start Date:12/26/2017
End Date12/30/2017
Course Fee:13500
Course Inclusive:Professional fee, material fee, certificates, lunch and refreshments
Special Offers:Access to iED Resources

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