Dr Sonam Tobgye, a visiting faculty at our institute will be participating at the World Happiness Fest (March 23 – 25) at Florida International University, Biscayne Campus, Miami, USA ((https://worldhappinessfest2023miami.sched.com-). He will be speaking on, “ What can we learn from the world’s happiest country? And GNH? – Public Policy, Economy, Governance” (World Happiness Fest 2023 – Miami: What can we learn from the world’s happi… (sched.com) along-side Alex de Carvalho, Honorary Consul of Finland, South Florida, Visual Storeytelling Institute and Nicolas Boyon, Senior Vice President, Public Affairs, IPSOS, New York, USA.
Dr Tobgye was also invited in 2022 to speak on, “Happiness in Bhutan” at the Gross Global Happiness Conference, hosted by the University for Peace (UPEACE), a university created by UN General Assembly Resolution 35/55.
Currently, Dr Tobgye is a member of the Institute of World Happiness Projects, UK and occasionally speaks on, “Happiness in Bhutan -GNH” (https://www.world-happiness-project.com/who-we-are/). He also serves as a Director (Projects) for Bhutanese Association of Women Entrepreneurs(https://www.baowe.org/about/team-baowe/). He is also an associate editor for “International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary” (https://multiarticlesjournal.com/editorial).
While in Australia, he worked as an adjunct fellow with the Institute for Australia India Engagements (Dr. Sonam Tobgye – Institute for Australia India Engagement (IAIE).
We wish him the best and look forward to the outcomes of his participation in the said conference.